
FOREVER 21 品牌服飾購物網站 Click here:



Forever21 是最受美國年輕人歡迎的大眾時尚品牌,是全球性的連鎖店。不同于美國其他大眾品牌的美式休閑風格,Forever21 更偏向于甜美路線,設計風格簡單輕巧,顏色亮麗,富年輕人朝氣。Forever21 在全球已有 500 多家連鎖店,領導時尚潮流,是全球年輕人熱愛的服飾品牌。

FOREVER 21 has seen some remarkable accomplishments over the past 30 years. With a goal to become an $8 billion company by 2017 and open 600 stores in the next three years, it’ll be exciting to see the company achieve in three years what it initially took 30 years to do.

Did you know...

FOREVER 21 is the 5th largest specialty retailer in the United States.A customer from Toronto named her daughter Tiev Forever Golding because she almost had her baby in a Forever 21 store. Once the child’s passport expires, they plan to legally change her first name to “FOREVER”. Even with the company’s tremendous growth, it still remains a family owned business.  (資料來源 FOREVER 21 )


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